Bunya Mountains


I painted this while camping in The Bunya Mountains. The forest is the remains of an old shield volcano – about 30 million years old, with peaks rising to more than 1,100 metres. The Bunya pines grow in fertile basalt soils in this cool and moist mountain environment. I found myself inspired by all the magic within the forest there. Full of ancient wisdom, each part working together to make the most magnificent whole, something we as humans co-create with Mother Earth to enjoy. At night the forest glows of fire flies and in the morning birds sing while the trees sway. The sacred power of this forest can be felt just as many First Nations people have honoured it for centuries travelling near and far to celebrate the mountain. It is often referred to in tongue as Booburragan Ngmunge, or 'mother's breast' and the highly nourishing Bunya Nuts known as 'mothers milk'. This space is nurturing, timeless & so healing.


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